Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July

No thoughts.
Just a picture update. 

[Mandy was here for 5 days]
[But she had to leave on Tuesday :( ]
[So we got matching Tattoos!]

[FIRST TIME: At softball of Monday night I actually caught the ball and got an out! booya! haha. I'm pretty proud about that!]
[I feel like I have practically been living at the beach this past week... which I LOVE]
[Speaking of the beach... Becca was home from Nashville for the weekend and we... went to the beach!]
[I am practicing up on my ukulele skills!]
[Beth is getting pretty good at taking silhouette shots!]
[One of my new favorite things to do is get up in the morning, get coffee, put on the nature sound station on pandora, and read a book. It's awesome and I plan on doing this quite often this summer]

[For the Baroda Fireworks we took a hayride from Matt's house. It was frekin awesome. I didn't take any pictures so I stole these from Ryan's facebook! ]
[We had a killer fire afterwards!]

The forth was mostly a family day but of course ended watching the St. Joe fireworks with friends. 

Happy 4th of July


4 Days till Abby and Leslie come to Michigan to visit Krissy and me!!!


  1. This post is great and all, but I can't help but notice that I am not in a single picture or mentioned even once :( Booohohohoho

  2. She did mention that you were getting really good at taking pictures!
