Saturday, July 24, 2010

Widget Countdowns.

Countdown 1: Wisdom Teeth Removal: On Friday I had the wonderful experience of having my three wisdom teeth removed. The actual removal process was not bad at all but the recovery has been a little ruff.
As you can see my mouth is a little swollen!.... but not this bad! haha.
Thankfully it isn't to noticeable. 

Countdown 2: Abby and Aaron here!: The Hummels are coming for a visit and I cannot wait for them to get here!!

Countdown 3: Lady Antebellum Concert: 
When I left school for summer break I really didn't have anything exciting planned. The only for sure plan that I had planned was that on July 26th I would be sitting 4th row at a Lady Antebellum concert. However, that is no longer the case :( Timing for the concert was so hectic with me just having my wisdom teeth out and Abby and Aaron being here, I decided to sell my tickets on ebay. So even though I am really sad I won't be seeing them I am very happy with the profit I made from selling the tickets (Selling price ($300) - buying price of the two tickets ($50) = profit ($250)!!! ) 

Countdown 4: School: 
I can't believe how fast summer has flown by. I've been home now for about 2 1/2 months and in one month I'll be headed back. As much as I love summer and going to the beach, I miss my school friends. 

As an extra bonus to this post, I am adding a link to a photoshoot I did with Morgan on Wednesday! Here is a preview photo! 

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